Register for the Museum Fire Suppression Webinar

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    Fire suppression solutions for our national treasures

    In museums, archives, and more, fire safety is a critical consideration. Diligent conservation efforts prepare and store the artifacts and records of the past so future generations can study and appreciate them. Yet the impact of effective fire suppression in protecting these irreplaceable artifacts from fire, smoke, and water sprinkler damage is often hidden behind the scenes of a new exhibit or collection.

    Yet choosing a fire suppression system means making a choice for decades to come. It means expressing the organization’s long-term mission in terms of sustainability, caring for visitors and the community, and protecting exhibits and artifacts from a range of foreseeable risks to the collection.

      Join 3M’s fire suppression experts to explore:

    1. A historical look at museum and archive fires and fire suppression solutions
    2. The differences between water sprinkler fire protection and clean agent fire protection
    3. How to choose the right clean agent to protect your collection and support your mission
    4. Case studies of modern fire protection in place around the world

    5. For national treasures, world treasures, irreplaceable community treasures – find your fire suppression solution.
  • Register: December 7, 2021 at 12pm Eastern Time/9am Pacific Time

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