3M尊重您的隱私權,同時會根據3M的 私隱政策。收集,使用和透露您所提供的個人訊息。除所有權政策中所述的第三方披露外,3M出於出於以下目的,與第三方(包括但不遵守執法機構,政府機關,機關機構或法院)分享您在此表中提供的所有個人訊息:(i)為遵守法律,法規,法院命令或其他法律程序的要求;(ii)為滿足3M在發現,預防,調查和應對欺詐行為,侵犯 知識產權的行為,違反3M合同或協議的行為,違法行為或其他濫用3M產品或服務的行為中的合法利益;(iii)為保護3M或您的權利或財產,或為保護他人的健康,安全 ,福利,權利或財產;或(iv)在類似情況下為解決與COVID-19有關的欺詐和造假活動。如果3M選擇與執法機構,政府機關,監管機構或法院共享個人訊息,則3M將無法繼續控制該個人訊息。
Please be aware that the information you supply about yourself, or any aspect of 3M’s operations may result in actions or decisions that may affect others. We ask you to provide only information that, to the best of your knowledge, is correct. You will not be sanctioned for submitting information in good faith, even if it turns out to be inaccurate. However, if you knowingly provide false or misleading information, it may result in disciplinary or judicial action.
3M respects your right to privacy. 3M will collect, use, and disclose the personal information you provide in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In addition to the third party disclosures described in our Privacy Policy, 3M may share all personal information you provided in this form with third parties including but not limited to law enforcement agencies, governmental authorities, regulators or courts: (i) to comply with a law, regulation, court order, or other legal process; (ii) to meet our legitimate interest in detecting, preventing, investigating and responding to fraud, intellectual property infringement, violation of our contracts or agreements, violation of law, or other misuse of 3M products or services; (iii) to protect 3M rights or property or yours or others’ health, safety, welfare, rights, or property; or (iv) under similar circumstances to address fraud and counterfeit activity related to the Covid 19 situation. If 3M elects to share personal information with law enforcement agencies, governmental authorities, regulators or courts, 3M will have no control over that personal information.