3M COVID-19 Anti-Fraud, Anti-Price Gouging, and Anti-Counterfeiting Reporting

  • 您是否有與欺詐、哄抬物價或造假產品有關的問題需要舉報?請填寫以下表格
    Have a concern to report related to fraud, price gouging or counterfeit product?
    Fill out form below

    3M致力於盡一切所能,幫助打擊不幸發生在新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)期間的欺詐、哄抬物價和造假活動。 3M絕不容許3M授權的通路合作夥伴有任何此類行為,3M會積極追查試圖利用此次危機的第三方。 3M正在與世界各地的執法機關密切合作,包括美國的司法部長、州司法部長及地方執法機關。

    At 3M, we are committed to doing all we can to help combat the fraudulent, price gouging, and counterfeit activity that is unfortunately occurring in connection with COVID-19. 3M will not tolerate any such activity by 3M authorized channel partners and we will aggressively pursue third-parties that seek to take advantage of this crisis. We are working with law enforcement authorities around the world – including, in the U.S., the U.S. Attorney General, State Attorneys General, and local authorities.

  • 有關COVID-19的欺詐
    COVID-19 Fraud

    • 請盡可能詳細填寫以下要求的訊息。標有星號的字段為必填項目。您提交此報告後,會收到一封電子郵件,通知您3M已收到此報告。請您回覆此郵件,並附上能夠幫助我們調查具體情況的發票、合同、產品圖片和任何其他相關文件的任何副本。

      Please complete as much of the information requested below as possible. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Once you submit this report, you will receive an email notification that 3M has received the report. We request that you reply to that email and attach any copies of invoices, contracts, pictures of product and any other relevant documentation that can help us to investigate the situation.

    • 申請人訊息
      Requestor Information

    • 請告知您想舉報的欺詐事件
      Tell Us About the Fraud You Would Like to Report

    • 涉嫌的推銷員/賣方信息
      Alleged Solicitor/Seller Information

      Please provide as much information as possible.

    • 欺詐產品詳細訊息
      Fraud Product Details

    • 請盡可能詳細地提供您與賣方來往的訊息,包括您初次與賣方聯繫的方式,以及賣方向您提供的關於產品的相關訊息。
      Provide as much detail about the interaction as possible including how you first contacted the seller and what information did the seller provide you regarding the product

    • 請注意,您提供的有關您自己或3M運營的任何方面的訊息,均可能影響他人的行動或裁決。我方要求您只提供在您認知範圍內的正確訊息。對於您善意提交的訊息,即便事實證明此類訊息不準確,您也不會因此而受到制裁。但是,若您故意提供虛假訊息或誤導性訊息,則可能會受到紀律處分或司法訴訟。

      3M尊重您的隱私權,同時會根據3M的 私隱政策。收集,使用和透露您所提供的個人訊息。除所有權政策中所述的第三方披露外,3M出於出於以下目的,與第三方(包括但不遵守執法機構,政府機關,機關機構或法院)分享您在此表中提供的所有個人訊息:(i)為遵守法律,法規,法院命令或其他法律程序的要求;(ii)為滿足3M在發現,預防,調查和應對欺詐行為,侵犯 知識產權的行為,違反3M合同或協議的行為,違法行為或其他濫用3M產品或服務的行為中的合法利益;(iii)為保護3M或您的權利或財產,或為保護他人的健康,安全 ,福利,權利或財產;或(iv)在類似情況下為解決與COVID-19有關的欺詐和造假活動。如果3M選擇與執法機構,政府機關,監管機構或法院共享個人訊息,則3M將無法繼續控制該個人訊息。

      Please be aware that the information you supply about yourself, or any aspect of 3M’s operations may result in actions or decisions that may affect others. We ask you to provide only information that, to the best of your knowledge, is correct. You will not be sanctioned for submitting information in good faith, even if it turns out to be inaccurate. However, if you knowingly provide false or misleading information, it may result in disciplinary or judicial action.

      3M respects your right to privacy. 3M will collect, use, and disclose the personal information you provide in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In addition to the third party disclosures described in our Privacy Policy, 3M may share all personal information you provided in this form with third parties including but not limited to law enforcement agencies, governmental authorities, regulators or courts: (i) to comply with a law, regulation, court order, or other legal process; (ii) to meet our legitimate interest in detecting, preventing, investigating and responding to fraud, intellectual property infringement, violation of our contracts or agreements, violation of law, or other misuse of 3M products or services; (iii) to protect 3M rights or property or yours or others’ health, safety, welfare, rights, or property; or (iv) under similar circumstances to address fraud and counterfeit activity related to the Covid 19 situation. If 3M elects to share personal information with law enforcement agencies, governmental authorities, regulators or courts, 3M will have no control over that personal information.

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