Scroll down to choose a free clinical sample of 3M™ Filtek™ Restorative composite.

  • 3M™ Filtek™ Supreme XTE Universal Restorative

    3M™ Filtek™ Supreme XTE Universal Restorative.

    A high-performance, versatile nanocomposite.

    • Excellent aesthetics including 36 shades and 4 opacities.
    • Excellent polish retention for a stunning finish every time.*
    • Has better flexural strength compared to similar composites tested.*
    • Has a wear resistance equivalent to enamel (in vivo studies).*
    • Features 3M's unique nanoclusters that wear at a similar rate to the surrounding resin matrix, helping to maintain a smooth surface gloss.*
  • 3M™ Filtek™ Universal Restorative

    3M™ Filtek™ Universal Restorative.

    Designed to make aesthetic single-shade restorations easier.

    • Eight shades with a universal opacity to cover most of your patient’s needs. An extra white (XW) for matching bleached teeth.
    • A Pink Opaquer shade to easily mask dark areas.*
    • Fluorescent pigments to give restorations a life-like appearance.*
    • Increased radiopacity for easier identification at recall.*
    • 3M’s nanotechnology for easy polish that lasts.*
    • Proprietary low-stress monomers for fracture resistance.*
    • Capsule warming – Capsules can be safely warmed.*
  • 3M™ Filtek™ One Bulk Fill Restorative

    3M™ Filtek™ One Bulk Fill Restorative.

    Designed to make posterior restorations faster and easier!

    • Increased opacity for improved aesthetics with the 5 shades available.*
    • Stress relief to enable up to 5mm depth of cure.*
    • Fast and easy one-step placement using a unique tip design for easier access to deep cavities.*
    • No need for layering with excellent handling, sculptability and adaptation.*
    • 3M’s true nanotechnology provides superior wear resistance and excellent polish retention.*
    • High radiopacity.*

    What happens next?

    After you submit the form you will be contacted by a 3M dental sales specialist to confirm your details. Your sample of either 3M™ Filtek™ Supreme XTE Universal Restorative, 3M™ Filtek™ Universal Restorative or 3M™ Filtek™ One Bulk Fill Restorative will be dispatched in accordance with the terms and conditions of this offer. We hope you enjoy the experience of trialling our advanced restorative composites.

    Terms and conditions

    A free of charge sample of either 3M™ Filtek™ Supreme XTE Universal Restorative, 3M™ Filtek™ Universal Restorative or 3M™ Filtek™ One Bulk Fill Restorative is available for dental professionals in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. One sample per dental practitioner. Promotion valid until 20 December 2024. Samples subject to availability. The sample delivery period may take up to 28 days from the request. Restorative is provided on a free of charge basis and not intended for onward sale or transfer. 3M reserves the right to cancel this sample promotion at any time. Please note for orders made by dental practices based in Denmark: Due to legal reasons 3M can only provide samples to dentists for a total value of DKK 300 per dentist per calendar year.

    *3M internal data

Request a sample here

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