3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG Chlorhexidine Gluconate I.V. Securement Dressings are the only transparent dressings proven to reduce CRBSI.
In a randomized control trial, Tegaderm CHG I.V. Securement Dressings had a 60% reduction of CRBSIs1. Plus, Tegaderm CHG I.V. Securement Dressings have 100% correct application of the CHG2 compared to BioPatch® Disks with CHG.
Want to learn more? Download the comparison flier to see how Tegaderm CHG I.V. Securement Dressings compare to BioPatch® Disks with CHG in multiple design and performance categories.
1. Timsit JF, et al. Randomized Controlled Trial of Chlorhexidine Dressing and Highly Adhesive Dressing for Preventing Catheter-Related Infections in critically ill adults. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2012; 186 (12):1272-1278.
2. Kohan C., MT, MS, CIC, Boyce J., MD. American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC); 2013; Vol 41, Issue 6, S142–S143; doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2013.03.283.
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